39 Best Subreddits You Should Subscribe on Reddit (2024)

To stay updated with the current world happenings and interests you can go to Reddit. Reddit is a site that you can join for free and can scroll through various subreddits that are committed to various topics. On Reddit people post content in a form of text images, gifs, or direct links. On Reddit, you can find literally anything varying from drama, theories, songs, music, memes, sports, current affairs, everything that you would want to see and refresh your day or night.

Reddit is a place where you can find everything because the communities on this platform are extremely active and they post new content on a regular basis to keep their pages lively and we’re sure you wouldn’t want to miss out on that. We are also aware that for a new person who has just learned about Reddit, it can be a little difficult to browse through thousands of subreddits and find one page that clicks. So to save you from all the browsing, we have created a list of 40 best subreddits that you should definitely subscribe to right away.

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List of Best Subreddits on Reddit to Subscribe

Reddit is not just for few people it covers the interests of a wide variety of people with different backgrounds, passions and interests can spend their time on Reddit without getting bored and we assure you that there is always something new to explore on this platform. The list that we have curated for you has subreddits for different interests. So, without any more stalls, let’s start with the list.

1. Internet is Beautiful

The Internet is full of uniqueness and there are still thousands of websites that are amazing and people don’t have an idea about. This subreddit named “Internet is beautiful” helps you to get to know about them and if you know about a website that you think people should know about you can share it on this subreddit. A similar kind of subreddit is made for Android users which are named Android is beautiful. It has around 15 million subscribers.

2. 100 Years Ago

If you are a history enthusiast and you keep wondering what would have happened in the past 100 years ago on a particular date, then this subreddit is apt for you. This subreddit has various articles that tell you about the things that have happened hundred years ago with images and exciting content. On this subreddit, even famous historians put up their content and feedback. Here you can find insightful information about 100 years ago.

3. Relationships

The Internet has now become a relationship counselor on its own and to help you with your relationship there is a subreddit called relationships where you can find people sharing their relationship problems, relationships good and bad phases, and everything related to one relationship which can help you and might interest you if you are in one.

4. Awwducational

Who doesn’t love cats and dogs? 90% of the world’s population is an animal lover and if you are one of those then you should definitely check this Aww inspiring page. This community on Reddit posts cute animal content with everyday videos, pictures, and facts about animals. Check out “Awwductional” for getting your mood upon the sky with lovable animals.

5. Earth Po*n

This page is one of the best Subreddit pages on Reddit that you must check if you are passionate about scenic beauty. This subreddit has beautiful images of our planet in its magnificent form. Earth Po*n is one of the great subreddits for you to experience the actual glorifying beauty of the earth and here you can also post your comments and pictures that you would want people to see.

6. Camping and Hiking

Who does not have a wish to go camping and hiking! If you love to go on trips, Hike with your friends, and camp in fearless jungles or mountains then this subreddit is absolutely made for you. It features beautiful images of camping trips and hiking. It also has trip reports posted by people and it also states various destinations and campsites where you can plan your trip and amazingly you can also ask questions if you have any for the trip.

7. Explain Like I am Five

The name explains it all. Explain like I’m five is a community subreddit page where you can see content and find out answers to questions in the most simple way. This subreddit has answers to ask simple questions such as “how to use Wi-Fi in an airplane mode?” or “how to make a beer without alcohol in it.”? You can use this subreddit for more than just spending time when you are bored but you can actually learn something here so you should definitely try it out.

8. TodayILearned

This is one of the most active subreddit communities on Reddit that posts engaging content for providing knowledge regularly. Here, you can find extremely fascinating content, and here you can discover new things about the world. Who would have imagined a platform where you can learn while having fun! This is the subreddit that fulfills both the agendas. It’s just like again telling his or her mother that “In school, Today I learned…”

9. Wholesome Memes

The trend of memes has not left Reddit also. If you are a person who spends your time looking at funny memes then you should check this subreddit. Memes are the new trend and subreddits on Reddit follow it very well. The memes posted on this page are extremely wholesome and none of it is offensive to any community. This is a completely happy place that puts a smile on your face with every scroll.

10. Fitness Subreddit

A best subreddit for Fitness freaks, where are you at?

As we said Reddit has content for a wide variety and in that variety how can we forget fitness when every one of us is a fitness freak nowadays. If you cannot visit your Gym, you couldn’t have a fitness consultation, not to worry. You can find fitness schedules, tips, techniques, diet, etc. It means everything under one umbrella. People who are passionate about being fit all the time post their tips, suggestions, and journeys on this subreddit.

11. Perfect Timing

There are certain moments where you catch that perfect timing on your mobile or camera. This subreddit contains such images or videos that were shot at a perfect timing that made that moment cool, beautiful, and sometimes even embarrassing. It is one of those subreddits that everyone loves just because it has such amazing content.

12. AskReddit

Do you have a question? Ask Reddit. Askreddit is one of the subreddit that answers your questions. Since Reddit has different communities and different people from different backgrounds you get answers to your questions from different perspectives which is quite good for having a new perspective on something. There are various categories under this subreddit as well so if you have a question related to science, movies for any other topic find out a subreddit for that.

13. DIY Subreddit

People who are the most creative one of the lot have to subscribe to this best subreddit. This subreddit is full of life hacks DIY that you can make with things that you can find in your house and make your life colorful and beautiful. If you are interested in such activities you can make one of yours and can post it on this subreddit for people to see and appreciate it.

14. Facepalm

What’s facepalm? I think we all know it! This subreddit will make you facepalm. It is odd, right? Like why would Reddit have content that is utter nonsense and nothing more than that! But there are people who enjoy certain ridiculous posts and love to spend their time scrolling through them so for a nice embarrassing and odd laugh you can check this subreddit.

15. Games

Looking for the best subreddit for games, thus talking about a wide variety of popular subreddits, how could we forget Games! How on the earth could happen! This subreddit is dedicated to The gamers community where you can check gaming memes, videos, sports latest news about games, and much more. So, if you are one of the gamers out there, what are you waiting for? Go to subscribe to it.

16. Technology Subreddit

With rapid advancement, technology comes automatically. Technology is known to be one of the most famous subreddit of all. So if you are keeping an eagle’s eye on the latest technology this place is where you should be. You can find every possible information about the latest technology and new gags and gigs in the town.

17. Everything About Tinder

As the name suggests, you can find everything related to tinder on this subreddit. Want to impress your match? Subscribe it. Want to know a few tricks on how to get more matches? Subscribe to it. This is where you can possibly have every tape that you want how to upscale your tinder game.

18. Gifs

People who are excited about gifs and they keep sending them to their friends and family time and again, should definitely subscribe to this subreddit. There is a large GIF community that posts interesting content that will definitely interest you if you are fond of gifs.

19. Get Motivated

Motivation is something that never comes easily. And in tough times one inspiring quote can do wonders. If you are somebody who always wants to stay motivated and needs a little inspiration to renew your energy, this subreddit is right for you. It contains various images, text songs, videos that might inspire you to achieve more in your life.

20. Anime

With the different cultures of the world kicking in anime and Manga have become the latest attraction of the youth. If you are one of those anime freaks you should subscribe to this subreddit. It is devoted to all the news debates and the latest information about your favorite anime shows and characters. So, if you want to have information related to what is happening in your favorite Manga series or anime show or want to know any theory regarding it, then this is the subreddit that you should subscribe to and have all the fun of it.

21. Cozy Places

People look for beautiful and comfortable locations when they want to relax and experience a warm climate. If you are one of those people who loves going on vacations at a cozy place and making your holiday unforgettable sooner or later, you should check this page as it has amazing suggestions from around the world where you can spend your cozy vacation. This subreddit contains warm pictures and scenic beauty of such cozy places.

22. I Took a Picture

“I took a picture” is a subreddit that gives an amazing exposure to budding photographers. This is a large community where people who are amateur and even highly experienced in photography post their pictures and people share their feedback and reviews regarding their work. So, if you are somebody who loves to click pictures and want the world to see them you can check this subreddit. Moreover, you can also ask your doubts here.

23. Male and Female Fashion Advice

Who doesn’t love fashion? Who doesn’t love to get dressed and get the appreciation of people? This subreddit is a world of fashion where you can have every information about fashion for both males and females. It features a combination of clothes that you can wear on a particular occasion so if you are somebody who always doubts your fashion sense go check it out and let yourself become one of those fashionistas of the City.

24. Listen To This

The world is full of music lovers and musicians. Music is one of the most important aspects of life that connects humans with emotions and sometimes a human with another human. If you love to explore new music and new genres, check out the subreddit named listen to this where people post their recommendations and favorite songs playlist on this platform. You can also share your music interest here with others.

25. Food

How can we forget the food? The most important essence of life is food. Love to eat or love to cook food subreddit is here at your service. This subreddit contains various recipes of amazing foods along with pictures that you can see and cook on your own. This subreddit is for all the foodies out there who love to see food videos mukbangs and no recipes about different food items. You can also post your delicious recipe on the subreddit for people to gawk at.

26. Sketch Daily

Sketchdaily is a subreddit made for all the creative artists out there if you are an art creator or love drawing and sketching sketch daily is the right place for you to explore. Interestingly this community is not just about posting pictures, liking, commenting, and sharing. On a regular basis, people post amazing themes on which people sketch or draw and then post on this subreddit for people to see and review. It is a great place for you to improve your sketching skills and get feedback from experienced artists.

27. Fan theories

When a new movie comes people start speculating and sharing their theories about their favorite character or a story. Fan theories are one of the subreddits that keep you engaged with amazing fan theories about famous movies. If you love talking about movies in general also or if you love to read fan theories about your favorite movie characters or storyline check the subreddit immediately.

28. Casual Conversation

Casual conversation is one of the very distinctive subreddit that is available on Reddit where you can spend time if you are feeling lonely, sad, or just want to pass your time. How does this work? All you have to do is to just start a conversation about anything that you want to talk about and if a person, who can be anybody is interested in taking that conversation forward he or she will revert. This is a great place to have a conversation with strangers on the topic of your desire.

29. Photoshop Battles

When Photoshop was launched it was purely used for photography and editing photographs but now it has become a tool to create funny memes and pictures. If you are somebody who is good at editing and Photoshop check this Photoshop battles subreddit. On a weekly basis, the community of Photoshop battles arranges a competition and the one who creates the best photoshop wins it. So if you have a passion and talent for photoshopping you should not miss out on this subreddit.

30. No Sleep

Even after getting the sh*t scared after watching a horror movie we still keep watching such movies, don’t we? So if you are somebody who loves to see horror movies or horror stories you should check out the no sleep subreddit that has the best horror stories that will not let you sleep properly at night. You can also post your reviews about a horror movie for a story that you read or even a story that you might have written on your own

31. NoNoNoNoYes

NoNoNoNoYes is one of the funniest subreddits available on Reddit. It is devoted to most of the hilarious videos, gifs, and data about things that went wrong unexpectedly but ended on the right note. If you speak NoNoNoNoYes continuously you will get the feel right. Just like this, there is another subreddit that contains funny content named “YesYesYesYesNo”. Go check it out.

32. Showerthoughts

What do you think in the shower? Have you ever had a saying that the most amazing thought strikes you when you are in the shower? Well, yes this subreddit is all about such thoughts and you should definitely not miss out on this. This subreddit contains thoughts that are completely out of the box and have become popular among people. If you are somebody who is fond of bone tickling thoughts that keep crossing your mind now and then while you are doing random chores, do visit this subreddit.

33. Data is Beautiful

Do you think data is beautiful? Do random charts and graph maps seem beautiful to you? If yes, what are you waiting for? Go visit this subreddit. Finding data beautiful is nothing unusual. There are many kicks out there who love to have their data organized and beautified in a particular manner. This subreddit contains insightful images of graphs, charts, and maps in a great visualization that offers aesthetics as well as information.

34. Future (s) Studies

If you are somebody who keeps thinking about the future of the world, humanity, yourself, technology, and civilization Future (s) studies are something that would entice you. This subreddit has millions of subscribers and members who discuss the future possibilities and learn about different perspectives in politics, economics, and social aspects. To not if you want to post anything that is related to politics it will go through strict guidelines so as to have permission to be posted.

35. When they do it right

This subreddit is devoted to people who have a love for cameras and capturing perfect moments in their lens. If you want to explore the content that is shared by people from different angles, different cameras, and indifferent frames you should absolutely check the subreddit, and if you want to post anything that you have clicked you can post it and an appreciation of the rest of the community members.

36. Welcome to the Dark Side

This subreddit was created for people who have a passion for a glorified background that attracts users immediately. If you are somebody who gets fascinated by OLED screens with different eye-pleasing lights check this welcome to the Dark side subreddit. The name of this subreddit is the opposite of its content. For a name of a subreddit being “Welcome to the Dark Side”, this subreddit is pretty much the most colorful one. This subreddit is full of beautiful wallpapers that look amazing on computers, smartphones, and laptops.

37. Conspiracy Theories

Just like fan theories, there are subreddit team conspiracy theories where people share their theories for a particular event or act that was not so good or even the best. Just like fan theories this subreddit is also extremely famous on Reddit and has tons of community members who share their opinions about a certain event. it contains conspiracy theories about anything that you think of. Thinking about an accident that happened out of nowhere? Find theories on Reddit.

38. Aww

Just like Awwductional, this subreddit named “Aww” also contains pictures and videos of cute dogs that can really make you go crazy after them. This subreddit contains content in which it is a sure thing that you would say “Aww”. Hence, the name. If you are a dog lover and want to spend your time scrolling through cute dog videos and images check the subreddit along with Awwductional.

39. IAmA

Ask me anything abbreviated IAmA is just like askreddit where people around the globe even the renowned celebrities and personalities use the ask me anything subreddit on Reddit to connect with people and here the community people can ask anything from their favorite celebrities and from random people. Yes, you heard it right you can literally talk to your favorite celebrities.

Best Subreddits List – Conclusion

Reddit is not just a random platform where people post stuff but it is a larger community where you can learn, explore and improve in the area of your interest. Reddit has a collection of amazingly curated subreddits that people can subscribe to and enjoy the content that is posted by the community members. For the first time, you might find it a bit confusing because there is so much happening at once but when you get to know the best subreddits and the ones that you want to see and enjoy your greed will not stop. Reddit is all about creating connections based on interest and being part of a larger community.

We tried to compile a list of 40 best subreddits on Reddit to help you save your time from all the browsing and search work. We feel these subreddits are the best. “The front page of the internet..” Being Reddit’s tagline says a lot. So, rather than spending time on Facebook or Instagram where you can just scroll through the content and cannot get the most out of it, Reddit comes to your rescue. By exploring the subreddits, you can experience a lot more than just browsing and scrolling. You can have a real experience of getting to know the world and its people from a closed-end. We hope that you would like our suggestions.

39 Best Subreddits You Should Subscribe on Reddit (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.